Sunday, June 6, 2010

Andrew's Big Day

This was certainly Andrew's Big Day! Andrew decided to play peekaboo for the first time at breakfast this morning. He has such an adorable smile, and it was so cute to watch him play peekaboo with his bib. I was so excited that I ran for his First Year Calendar to mark his accomplishment with a milestone sticker! Moments later, Andrew began clapping along to patty-cake. I got so excited to put another sticker in his calendar, and I had a hard time fitting them both on the same date. Danny and I were amazed, and we giggled about our little genius:-) While we were getting ready to attend Dan's 10 Year Reunion from Fordham, we reminisced about how Grace took her first steps for his mom when we went to a wedding. We got nervous that we were going to miss another accomplishment while we were out, but Andrew must have sensed my anxiety... he walked for the first time moments before we left!!! This was such a memorable day, and we are so proud of our Little Man!

This video was taken after the first two milestones of the day. We'll have to show some walking in upcoming videos.

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