Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Our Valentine's Day started perfectly... Andrew gave us a fabulous present (he slept through the night for the very first time in his crib)!!! We hosted a delicious brunch at our house with LuLu and Pop, Nana and Grandpa, and Nanny and Poppy! Bernadette Grace provided entertainment by singing the alphabet numerous times and giving out her homemade valentines:-) Andrew enjoyed his first Valentine's Day, and he received tons of hugs and kisses from his Valentine's... Mommy and big-sister, Grace:-) We had such a wonderful day, and we ended it with a family date night at Brooklyn's Pizza!

These photos are from our pre-Valentine's Day photo shoot:-)
This picture was taken on Valentine's Day Eve... Daddy gave Grace her first "bouquet" of flowers!!! She was "ecstatic!" These just happen to be two of her favorite words from The Fancy Nancy series!!!

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