Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rainy Day Fun

I love spending rainy days at home with my babies! Other than taking Grace to and from school, we spent the day at home watching Mulan, crafting, dressing-up, reading books, and watching Kate happily bounce in her jumper. It was what we like to call a "pajama day." It may have been raining outside, but it was a perfect day in our house filled with lots of cuddles and quality time!
Kate is so busy these days! She loves being in her exersaucer and jumper, and she's getting really good at playing with all of her toys.
Grace and Andrew made zoo animals! Grace made a beautiful giraffe, and Andrew painted and sequined a crocodile.
Fancy Nancy!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kate's 1st Playdate

We had such a fun playdate with the Crescitelli's this afternoon! Kate was mesmerized by her friend, Jacqueline, and Grace and Andrew had a great time playing with Joey! Jen and I had fun catching up and watching Grace and Joey perform a talent show (Grace modeled all her dress-up clothes, and Joey was the announcer). Grace wanted to show Joey her bedroom, and when I went up to check up on them, I realized her bed was unmade. I was amused to find out that she was trying to play Sleeping Beauty with Joey. Apparently, she tried to coax him into giving her a kiss to wake her up. It looks like Dan is going to have his hands full in a few years:-) We had such a fun afternoon! All of the children played together so nicely!
Kate and Jax
Joey and Grace
Andrew loves playing with his Toy Story Play-Doh Set!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Maggie!

We had quite a fun filled Sunday! After Mass, we headed to Brooklyn for Maggie's 3rd birthday party at NY Kids Club. Grace and Andrew had so much fun making superhero masks and bracelets and running through the obstacle course! Andrew was a bit feisty and kept cutting the lines. He's quite competitive for a 2.5 year old! Dan and I enjoyed watching our "bachagloops" have a good time! It was a great party, and before we headed home, we went to Nana and Grandpa's for a delicious Sunday dinner.
The birthday girl was so proud of her mask!
He's such a monkey!
Jack and Maggie

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Kate's Professional Photo Shoot

Last Saturday, we had an amazing photographer named Jennifer from Our 365 Portraits come to our home to do a photo shoot with Katherine. This morning I spoke to a representative from the company and viewed all of the pictures. These are some of my favorites! The photo session went very well. Kate was as smiley as she could possibly be:-)
I love those cute little feet, and I like how the photographer put "my new baby" gift on her big toe!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tubby Time

Our Tubby Time song... "Tubby time, bump, bump, bump, bump! Step right up it's tubby time, bump, bump, bump, bump! You don't even have to wait in line... for tubby time! TUBBY TIME!"

Valentine Playdate

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Heart Day!

We were blessed in the past year with another little sweetheart to LOVE! Even though, we say, "I love you" every day, it's nice to have a whole day dedicated to letting your loved ones know how you feel. Grace had lots of fun at school, and she received special valentines from all of her classmates. We had so much fun crafting all 35 of her valentine's this year! She did a great job gluing, stickering, glittering, and writing her name on each valentine. After school, we celebrated with LuLu and Pop, and we took our little sweethearts for frozen yogurt at Krazee Kups. This afternoon we had a fun playdate at Bella's house, and then we headed home to make chocolate chip cookies for Daddy. Daddy came home with lots of Valentine treats! He bought a dozen roses for each of his girls, and our house now smells like a florist! We also received lots of delicious sweets from Chocolates With Love! We had such a nice family night complete with pizza, cards, presents, and lots of hugs and kisses! Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo
This is Kate's new signature pose.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


We had an impromptu playdate with the Wally Klein cousins this afternoon, and Grace and Olivia were as happy as larks! They enjoyed dressing-up, playing with princesses, and coloring! Grace and Andrew were happy to see Wally and Nicky, too! It was such a fun afternoon!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


We certainly had a SUPER time celebrating the NY Giants Super Bowl XLVI victory over the New England Patriots! We spent the evening at Nana and Grandpa's, and we enjoyed lots of delicious treats including chili, potato skins, chicken wings, and ribs. I think the Colonna kids bring the NY teams good luck! The NY Giants won the Super Bowl during Grace and Kate's first football seasons (beating the Patriots both times), and the NY Yankees won the World Series the year Andrew was born!
We had fun celebrating the victory with our Giants fan... Grandpa!